Being curse and cure - Maleficent character analyses


Being curse and cure - Maleficent character analyses


Fantasy movies are imaginative openings enriched with the softness of love, cure, fairies along with the thorns of the curse. There will be a never-ending conflict between the curse and the cure, in most cases, the curse will change the overall mindset and comforting background of a protagonist creating tension to achieve striving curing material.  From folklore onwards, we all consider curses in different dimensions, the furious and vicious words from a painful mind. Here Maleficent the fairy was ore of curse and love of cure at the same time this idea restores and makes us fall for this character. She had been betrayed by her boyfriend and she misbelieves the absence of true love. The fairy curses Aurora with an unbearable mind but she can’t be that much heartless towards the innocent kid, she pours the child with love and cares at the same time Aurora’s father never believed in a cure by true love he just tried to vanish uttered curse. Maleficent just proved that an unbearable heart will hurt the innocent mind but the kindness of love can even cure the intense wounds. So, a person who senses true love can never deny the existence of pure love.


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