Symbolic short learns for life- A short story analyzes


Symbolic short learns for life- A short story



Are you a carrot, egg, or coffee bean?


Short stories were our most restful zones of childhood rather than novels which demand more time to open the suspense with hard story narration and complex characters. It’s tricky to motivate the readers with short lines with limited words. The short story “Are you a Carrot, Egg, or coffee bean” is an optimistic work of an author these three food items are the true impressions of different personalities. This short story is a meaningful conversation between the experienced mother and pessimistic daughter who is worried about her hardships in life a flawless contrasting character building. Mother cooked carrots, eggs, and coffee beans in three different pots filled with the same amount of water. The rigidness, and fluidity of the emotional carrot, and the inconsistent egg inside the boiling water here the boiling water is referred to as the battles. Through the mother, the writer notifies us to be a coffee bean which changed the color of the boiling water giving him a sense of heat. We should follow a consistent behavior with everlasting flavor which can even change our harsh habitat. This mother character just proved that actions are more powerful than words for some instants.


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