Love of sacrifice- Analyses of Lily Potter


Love of sacrifice- Analyses of Lily Potter


Mother's love is the most precious nourishment we ever get in our vitality. There are many movie illustrations of the definition of a mother's love as intense, I never examined this exquisite personality during my childhood may be due to the lack of experiences and stimulating emotional feelings but now I am watchful to analyze my favorite character in the entire harry potter series Lily Potter. It’s better to call Harry Lily’s son than Lily Harry’s mom, this is because of the love encountered safety that Harry owned from her, all the care he gathered from the elders of Hogwarts, and the beneficial hands to fight against the evildoer. The author emphasizes her existence in the most needed moment of Harry, it depicts that she was the wave of motivation of the protagonist. The people we recall during the hardest time are the true inspiration and ones who touched our inner selves. This lovable character gains more focus due to her unique personality than James in Harry’s life. She was a good friend of Severus Snape and give good support with guidance, she was successful even to alter her friend's life and making him feel guilty without argument only her sacrifices were that much powerful and created an inner burning soul in other characters. Her love and care for others made her special and made others too. Her actions made the reason that readers will get satisfied even by her abstract presence. The source of the boy who lived.


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